#UNTRIGGER {^([a-z,' '])'s face contorts in pain and it falls to {his|her|its} knees!} #TRIGGER {^([a-z,' '])'s face contorts in pain and {he|she|it} falls to {his|her|its} knees!} {#cw bold,red} #TRIGGER {^The world seems to slow down.} {timer hastetime;party report Haste Active.;#if !%ismember( Haste, @prots) {#var prots %additem( Haste, @prots)}} "prots-tiger" #TRIGGER {^The world seems to speed up.} {formattime hastetime;party report Haste Expires. ~[@{timed}~];#var prots %delitem( Haste, @prots)} "prots-tiger" #UNTRIGGER {^@(%w) tweaks your nose mischievously.} "party|tweak" #TRIGGER {^@(%w) tweaks your nose mischievously.} {timedcheck} "party|tweak" #TRIGGER {^You feel miserable.} {timer miserytime;party report Melody of the Misadventurer Active.;#if !%ismember( Misery, @prots) {#var prots %additem( Misery, @prots)}} "prot-b" #TRIGGER {^You feel like a weight has been lifted from your mental shoulders.} {formattime miserytime;party report Melody of the Misadventurer Expires. ~[@{timed}~];#var prots %delitem( Misery, @prots)} "prots-b" #TRIGGER {^The world around you swirls and twists, losing all shape and form.} {timer hallutime;party report Hallucenating!;#if !%ismember( Hally, @prots) {#var prots %additem( Hallu, @prots)}} "prots-random" #TRIGGER {^Your mind clears.} {formattime hallutime;party report No longer Hallucenating. ~[@{timed}~];#var prots %delitem( Hallu, @prots)} "prots-random" #unalias protstimed #ALIAS timedcheck {#if (%ismember( Misery, @prots)) {formattime miserytime;#var protstimed %additem( Misery @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Haste, @prots)) {formattime hastetime;#var protstimed %additem( Haste @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Hallu, @prots)) {formattime hallutime;#var protstimed %additem( Hallu @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( HW, @prots)) {formattime hwtime;#var protstimed %additem( HW @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Us, @prots)) {formattime unstuntime;#var protstimed %additem( Us @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Flex, @prots)) {formattime Flextime;#var protstimed %additem( Flex @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( AOA, @prots)) {formattime aoatime;#var protstimed %additem( AOA @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( SoP, @prots)) {formattime Soptime;#var protstimed %additem( SoP @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PfE, @prots)) {formattime pfetime;#var protstimed %additem( PfE @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PfG, @prots)) {formattime pfgtime;#var protstimed %additem( PfG @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Fire, @prots)) {formattime firetime;#var protstimed %additem( Fire @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Elec, @prots)) {formattime electrictime;#var protstimed %additem( Elec @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Psi, @prots)) {formattime psitime;#var protstimed %additem( Psi @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Cold, @prots)) {formattime coldtime;#var protstimed %additem( Cold @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Acid, @prots)) {formattime acidtime;#var protstimed %additem( Acid @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Asphyx, @prots)) {formattime asphxtime;#var protstimed %additem( Asphyx @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Poison, @prots)) {formattime poisontime;#var protstimed %additem( Poison @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Magic, @prots)) {formattime magictime;#var protstimed %additem( Magic @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Fire, @prots)) {formattime gfire;#var protstimed %additem( G-Fire @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Acid, @prots)) {formattime gacid;#var protstimed %additem( G-Acid @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Magic, @prots)) {formattime gmagic;#var protstimed %additem( G-Magic @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Cold, @prots)) {formattime gcold;#var protstimed %additem( G-Cold @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Psi, @prots)) {formattime gpsi;#var protstimed %additem( G-Psi @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Poison, @prots)) {formattime gpoison;#var protstimed %additem( G-Poison @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Elec, @prots)) {formattime gelec;#var protstimed %additem( G-Elec @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Asphyx, @prots)) {formattime gasphyx;#var protstimed %additem( G-Asphyx @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Embr, @prots)) {formattime emtime;#var protstimed %additem( Embr @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( War, @prots)) {formattime wartime;#var protstimed %additem( War @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Aura, @prots)) {formattime aohtime;#var protstimed %additem( Aura @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( FAB, @prots)) {formattime forcetime;#var protstimed %additem( FAB @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Fsh, @prots)) {formattime fstime;#var protstimed %additem( Fsh @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Regen, @prots)) {formattime regentime;#var protstimed %additem( Regen @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Unp, @prots)) {formattime unpaintime;#var protstimed %additem( Unp @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Blur, @prots)) {formattime blurtime;#var protstimed %additem( Blur @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Disp, @prots)) {formattime disptime;#var protstimed %additem( Disp @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( FF, @prots)) {formattime FFtime;#var protstimed %additem( FF @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( WW, @prots)) {formattime WWtime;#var protstimed %additem( WW @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Touch, @prots)) {formattime Touchtime;#var protstimed %additem( Touch @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( MSup, @prots)) {formattime MSuptime;#var protstimed %additem( MSup @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Forget, @prots)) {formattime forgettime;#var protstimed %additem( Forget @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Eb, @prots)) {formattime ebtime;#var protstimed %additem( Eb @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( SWalk, @prots)) {formattime walktime;#var protstimed %additem( SWalk @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( E.Vital, @prots)) {formattime e.vitaltime;#var protstimed %additem( E.Vital @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Luck, @prots)) {formattime archfav;#var protstimed %additem( Luck @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( QS, @prots)) {formattime qstime;#var protstimed %additem( QS @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Epow, @prots)) {formattime epowertime;#var protstimed %additem( Epow @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( HvnlProt, @prots)) {formattime HvnlProt;#var protstimed %additem( HvnlProt @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PsiShld, @prots)) {formattime pshtime;#var protstimed %additem( PsiShld @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Vman, @prots)) {formattime vinetime;#var protstimed %additem( Vman @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Eskin, @prots)) {formattime eskintime;#var protstimed %additem( Eskin @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( SoF, @prots)) {formattime shieldoffaithtime;#var protstimed %additem( SoF @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( ManShld, @prots)) {formattime manashldtime;#var protstimed %additem( ManShld @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( SoulShld, @prots)) {formattime SoulShld;#var protstimed %additem( SoulShld @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Float, @prots)) {formattime Floattime;#var protstimed %additem( Float @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Rage, @prots)) {formattime enragetime;#var protstimed %additem( Rage @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PThresh, @prots)) {formattime threshtime;#var protstimed %additem( PThresh @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( PBS~(@pbsto~), @prots)) {formattime pbstime;#var protstimed %additem( PBS~(@pbsto~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( IW, @prots)) {formattime iwilltime;#var protstimed %additem( IW @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( DRage, @prots)) {formattime dragetime;#var protstimed %additem( DRage @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Acid~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gacid;#var protstimed %additem( G-Acid~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Asphyx~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gasphyx;#var protstimed %additem( G-Asphyx~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Fire~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gfire;#var protstimed %additem( G-Fire~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( AOA~(S~), @prots)) {formattime aoatime;#var protstimed %additem( AOA~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Magic~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gmagic;#var protstimed %additem( G-Magic~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Cold~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gcold;#var protstimed %additem( G-Cold~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Psi~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gpsi;#var protstimed %additem( G-Psi~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Elec~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gelec;#var protstimed %additem( G-Elec~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( G-Poison~(S~), @prots)) {formattime gpoison;#var protstimed %additem( G-Poison~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( LfLnk~(@lifelinked~), @prots)) {formattime lifelinktime;#var protstimed %additem( LfLnk~(@lifelinked~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Infra, @prots)) {formattime infratime;#var protstimed %additem( Infra @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Trance, @prots)) {formattime trancetime;#var protstimed %additem( Trance @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( E.Aware, @prots)) {formattime eawaretime;#var protstimed %additem( E.Aware @timed, @protstimed)};#IF (%ismember( LoL, @prots)) {formattime loltime;#var protstimed %additem( LoL @timed, @protstimed)};#IF (%ismember( BoT, @prots)) {formattime bottime;#var protstimed %additem( BoT @timed, @protstimed)};#IF (%ismember( SDrain, @prots)) {formattime SDraintime;#var protstimed %additem( SDrain @timed, @protstimed)};#IF (%ismember( GoD, @prots)) {formattime GoDtime;#var protstimed %additem( GoD @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Fsh~(S~), @prots)) {formattime fstime;#var protstimed %additem( Fsh~(S~) @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( Invis, @prots)) {formattime invistime;#var protstimed %additem( Invis @timed, @protstimed)};#if (%ismember( R.Ent, @prots)) {formattime RessEnttime;#var protstimed %additem( R.Ent @timed, @protstimed)};#if (@protstimed<>"") {party report Prots: @{protstimed}} {party report Prots: none};#var protstimed {} {}} #VAR currentversion {Mar_23_2008} #ECHO 2 Triggers Recoded. 5 Triggers added. Timedcheck updated.