#ECHO Loading Field Colorization triggers by: Ssmud #UNTRIGGER {A aquamarine blue force field surrounds this area.$} "Field Coloring" #UNTRIGGER {A desert yellow force field surrounds this area.$} "Field Coloring" #UNTRIGGER {A shimmering blue force field surrounds this area.$} "Field Coloring" #UNTRIGGER {A shining green force field surrounds this area.$} "Field Coloring" #UNTRIGGER {A banded green force field surrounds this area.$} "Field Coloring" #UNTRIGGER {A electric blue force field surrounds this area.$} "Field Coloring" #UNTRIGGER {A miserably gray force field surrounds this area.$} "Field Coloring" #UNTRIGGER {^Magical holy barrier protects your surroundings.} "Field Coloring" #UNTRIGGER {^This room is surrounded in a pulsating field of swirling colors.} "Field Coloring" #CLASS 0 #CLASS {Field Coloring} #TRIGGER {A aquamarine blue force field surrounds this area.$} {#cw powderblue;#SUB {A aquamarine blue force field surrounds this area. (Rain)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {A desert yellow force field surrounds this area.$} {#cw yellow;#SUB {A desert yellow force field surrounds this area. (Drying Wind)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {A shimmering blue force field surrounds this area.$} {#CW mediumblue;#SUB {A shimmering blue force field surrounds this area. (Shelter/Force Dome)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {A shining green force field surrounds this area.$} {#cw springgreen;#SUB {A shining green force field surrounds this area. (Anti Magic Field)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {A banded green force field surrounds this area.$} {#CW blink,springgreen,darkgreen;#SUB {A banded green force field surrounds this area. (IMPRISONMENT)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {A electric blue force field surrounds this area.$} {#cw dodgerblue;#SUB {A electric blue force field surrounds this area. (Electric Field)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {A miserably gray force field surrounds this area.$} {#cw lightgrey;#SUB {A miserably gray force field surrounds this area. (Field of Fear)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^Magical holy barrier protects your surroundings.} {#cw skyblue;#SUB {Magical holy barrier protects your surroundings. (Celestial Haven)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^This room is surrounded in a pulsating field of swirling colors.} {#SUB {This room is surrounded in a %ansi(blink,bold,cyan)pulsating %ansi(bold,red)field %ansi(bold,yellow)of %ansi(bold,blue)swirling %ansi(bold,green)colors. %ansi(white)(Prismatic Field)}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^This location is now surrounded in a aquamarine blue forcefield.} {#ALARM rainfield +0.3 {party report Rain Field Up!}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^The field fizzles.} {#SUSPEND rainfield;#SUSPEND windfield;#SUSPEND amffield;#SUSPEND shelterdomefield;#SUSPEND imprisonfield;#SUSPEND feartime;#SUSPEND electricfield} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^This location is now surrounded in a desert yellow forcefield.} {#ALARM windfield +0.3 {party report Drying Wind Up!}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^This location is now surrounded in a shining green forcefield.} {#ALARM amffield +0.3 {party report Anti Magic Field Up!}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^This location is now surrounded in a shimmering blue forcefield.} {#ALARM shelterdomefield +0.3 {party report @shelterforcedome Up!}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^This location is now surrounded in a banded green forcefield.} {#ALARM imprisonfield +0.3 {party report IMPRISONMENT Up!}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {'withing thang walz'} {#VAR shelterforcedome Shelter} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {'xulu tango charlie'} {#VAR shelterforcedome "Force Dome"} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {creating a magical holy barrier.$} {party report Celestial Haven Up!} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^This location is now surrounded in a miserably gray forcefield.} {#ALARM fearfield +0.3 {party report Field of Fear Up!}} "Field Coloring" #TRIGGER {^This location is now surrounded in a electric blue forcefield.} {#ALARM electricfield +0.3 {party report Electric Field Up!}} "Field Coloring" #CLASS 0 #Echo Triggers loaded into "Field Coloring" Class. Enjoy :)